●【遊戲名稱】:機場模擬器3:白晝和黑夜 Airport Simulator 3: Day & Night
●【開發廠商】:United Independent Entertainment
#這是一款機場模擬遊戲,機場是一個永遠不會睡覺的地方。 隨著出發,到達以及乘客的不斷忙碌和忙碌,很少有休息的機會。操作十分地複雜,推薦給對飛機超級有興趣、英文也不錯的朋友體驗!
遊戲動畫影片可參考此網址 https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256819050/movie_max_vp9.webm?t=1614783748 下載前建議先看看!
機場是一個永遠不會睡覺的地方。 隨著出發,到達以及乘客的不斷忙碌和忙碌,很少有休息的機會。 在“機場模擬器3:白晝和黑夜”中,您面臨的挑戰是保持車輪轉動並確保機場中的所有物體全天候平穩運行。
The airport is a place that never sleeps. With departures, arrivals and the continuous hustle and bustle of passengers, there is rarely an opportunity for a break. In Airport Simulator 3: Day & Night, your challenge is to keep the wheel turning and ensure that everything in the airport runs smoothly around the clock.
首先,您將需要注意機隊和行李管理,以處理旅客運輸以及各航空公司不斷增加的飛機數量。 此外,安全檢查,機場衛生和維護也至關重要,需要進行良好的管理。
Firstly, you will need to take care of fleet and baggage management to handle transporting passengers and the ever-increasing number of aircraft from various airlines. In addition, security checks, airport hygiene and maintenance are also crucial and need to be well managed.
根據一天中的時間和天氣情況,您的任務會有所不同。 例如,在寒冷的天氣中,機翼的除冰成為人們關注的重點。 這些只是與其他國際機場競爭對手競爭時組織運作的重要部分。
Depending on the time of day and weather conditions, your tasks will vary. For example, in frosty weather, the de-icing of wings becomes the main focus of attention. These are just some of the important parts of running your organization as you compete against other international airport competitors.
以目標為導向的管理,滿意的員工和滿意的乘客-您會通過努力工作和承諾實現目標嗎? 一開始,您將自己接管許多任務。 隨著時間的流逝,您將能夠將任務委派給您的機場工作人員。 現在,是時候捲起袖子了。 在《機場模擬器3:白晝和黑夜》中,總有事情要做
Goal-oriented management, satisfied staff, and happy passengers - will you achieve your goals through hard work and commitment? In the beginning, you will take over many tasks yourself. Over time, you will be able to delegate tasks to your airport staff. For now, it is time to roll up your sleeves; in Airport Simulator 3: Day & Night, there is always something to do!
●【下載/安裝教學】:建議使用JDownloader2下載器複製連結後下載 / 解壓縮 / 以DAEMON Tools Lite虛擬光碟程式開啟ISO檔,並執行setup(路徑自選,需勾選"apply crack"以破解) / 執行AirportSim3.exe
下載項目:機場模擬器3:白晝和黑夜 Airport Simulator 3: Day & Night
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