標題: 未來可能的改動-戰士 [打印本頁]
作者: rp2ew123 時間: 2014-8-10 05:20 AM 標題: 未來可能的改動-戰士
- We reworked how the adrenaline works. Currently, your adrenaline is only consumed if you hit with your skill (i.e. if you miss with Eviscerate, your adrenaline is not consumed). Now If you miss your adrenaline dump skills, you will lose adrenaline. Additionally, Adrenaline will now decay when you leave combat so it is more beneficial for you to use the adrenaline skills rather than carrying them to the next fight.
- F1打空或被閃掉後將會清空Adrenaline並且讓消失的時間加快
- Rousing Resilience – Give you up to 8s of bonus toughness, increase from previous 4s.
- Brawler’s Recovery – Now remove a single condition on weapon swap rather than just blind.
- Hundred Blade damage reduced by 5% for the initial strikes, final strike remains same.
- 大劍2前幾下的攻擊-5% 最後一刀傷害不變
- Whirlwind Attack also received 5% damage decrease
- 大劍3 -5%傷害
- Arcing Slice – This ability is more executioner style, it will deal damage to 5 targets in an area and deal bonus damage to enemies below 50% HP.
- F1攻擊變範圍5個敵人,血量低於50%有額外傷害
- Bleeding Shot – this ability no longer applies Bleed and renamed to Fierce Shot. Fierce Shot has a 20% damage increase and will give extra adrenaline against targets with vulnerability debuff.
- 來福槍1傷害多20% 流血取消 有破甲的敵人會拿到比較多的adrenaline
- Whirling Axe – Axe offhand #5 skill has its damage increased by 17%, cooldown reduced to 15s.
- 斧頭5傷害+17% CD15秒
- Pulverize – Third strike of your mace autoattack has its cast time reduced by 25%
- 單手第三下普攻加快25%
- Impale – This offhand sword skill previous had over 100% upcoming on Torment, we felt this was too much. We have reduced torment duration from 12s to 8s.
- 單手劍4的Torment時間減至8秒
- Signet of Rage – boon duration of this ability reduced by 5s (might/fury etc will only last for 25s base), adrenaline gain increased by 50%
- Rage紋章拿到的boom少5秒 被動Adrenaline取得多50%
- Signet of Might – You now have 6s to deliver unblockable attacks instead of 5 attacks.
- Might紋章6秒內無視格黨取代掉5下
- Berserker Stance – Previous this skill gave just under 5 full bars of Adrenaline which was a lot. Adrenaline gain reduced by 40%, you can only get a full 3 bar of adrenaline.
- 減少40%取得的adrenaline
- Banners – Sprint ability no longer give an attack, will remove crippled/chilled and sprint a short instance
- 旗子4無法攻擊 但改成移除掰咖跟冰的效果
- Rampage – We want this elite to make you feel more like a juggernaut when you enter this transform. Reduced the amount of incoming physical damage by 25% meaning that all strikes you take will be reduced. All incoming chilled/crippled/immobilize conditions will be reduced by another 33%. If you have dogged march and this ability you gonna be suffering from almost no movement impairing abilities
- Rampage全程減傷25%,移動限制condition減少33%時間
- Increased the velocity of Throw Boulder so it is easier for you to stun ranged moving enemies.
- 丟石頭的石頭飛行速度加快
作者: yu731203 時間: 2014-8-12 10:47 PM
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作者: rp2ew123 時間: 2014-8-13 06:04 AM
作者: maorimao 時間: 2015-1-20 06:02 PM
斧頭五轉轉轉改強了 不過戰場還是沒人用
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