
標題: 牧師61~65天賦翻譯 [打印本頁]

作者: ooo912223    時間: 2014-11-8 12:41 PM     標題: 牧師61~65天賦翻譯

[size=15.5555562973022px]至於guard的效果 我不太清楚所以翻成守備
righteous  protection
1.increases your block mitigation and guard from equipment by 5%
2.consuming the buff from resounding blow applies an additional buff,increasing the damage done by your next damaging ability within 10s by 25%
2.德魯伊技能 resounding blow 發動的效果額外增加25%
3.increases the chance for clear the coals to proc,if known,by5%
3.誡律天賦 clear the coals的效果,現在增加5%
avenging shield
1.critical hits with damging and healing abiliti apply an absorb shield to you,absorbing damage up 3% of your maximum health.can occur up to once every 6s.
2.echoes of altruism, if points have been spent in it,is now applied by all single target heals.
2.聖徒天賦 echoes of altruism 的效果,現在不只限於 Invocations 系,可對應全部的單體治療法術
soul collector
1.upon death,enemies you have damaged within the last 3s apply soul consumption to you,healing for 4% of your maximum health over 5s,can occur up to once every second.
2.when cleansed,your damage over time effects deal ethereal damage to the enemy equal to 50% of your spell power.
3.ekkehard`s grasp will now apply frostbite,if points have been spent in it.
3.薩滿技能 ekkehard`s grasp 現在增加冰凍效果(ROOT)。
vicar`s resilience
1.while in combat,your heal 25% of your endurance 3s.
healing  remnant
1.healing over time and absorb abilities apply a stack of healing remnant to ally,increasing healing received by 1.5% per stack.max 2 stack.lasts 15s
2.shield of oak and glacial shield reapply themselves if they are consumed within 5s of their initial application
2.德魯伊技能 shield of oak 與 薩滿技能 glacial shield 在施放後5秒內被消耗完將馬上重置(未確定)
benevolent presence
1.allies affected by your guard receive 2% more healing
2.removes the stacking restriction from lnquisitor armor buffs,but blocks shroud of agony from being cast.casting one lnquisitor armor buff will apply all known armor buffs.
2.移除判官armor buff的堆疊限制,但 shroud of agony 無法使用.使用任何一種armor buff均可獲得全部armor buff。
divine inspiration
1.increases your healing done and absorption granted by 5%
2.doctrine of authority applies censure to the enemy and no longer consumes a conviction on cast
2.牧坦技能 doctrine of authority 攻擊敵人時不再消耗conviction
3.increases the range of your non-meleedamaging abilities by 5m.does not stack with other range increasing effects.
blessing of penitence
1.increases incoming healing by 3%
2.increases the range of fervent strike to 20m
2.德魯伊技能 fervent strike 增加射程20m
3.increases the chance for your insignia of protection to proc by 10%
3.oracle技能 insignia of protection 增加10%發動機率
swift  judgment
1.increases unmounted movement speed by 10%
2.increases the radius of your guard by 3m
3.reduces the cooldown of glacial strike by 2s
3.德魯伊天賦 glacial strike CD減少2秒
4.harsh discipline can now be channeled while moving
4.判官天賦 harsh discipline 現在可以於移動中使用,不會中斷
1.increases your mana regeneration by 10%
2.using a single target cleanse to remove an effect from an ally applies an additional cleanse to the same ally after 3s
3.ravaging darkness will now refresh and spread stacks of darkness will now refresh and spread stacks of darkness on the initial target to all enemies fit
3.秘儀天賦 ravaging darkness 現在可以重置darkness(dark water)
faith`s freedom
1.reduces the duration of crowd control effects used on you by 10%
2.when casting a combat resurrection,the revived ally has 100% of their health returned and receive 30% less damage for 5s.this effect ends if they use a combat ability
3.sanction heretic now also applies vex when cast
3.判官技能 sanction heretic 現在使用會附加 vex
supplicant`s haste
1.while in combat,instant and channeled abitiles apply a stack of supplicant`s haste when cast,increasing your unmounted movement speed by 4% per stack.max 3 stacks,lasts 15s
2.increases the chance for word of life to proc ,if known by 5%
2.聖徒天賦 word of life 現在增加5%發動機率
faith`s  reward
1.instant and channeled camaging and healing abilities apply a stacking buff to you,reducing the cast time of your next non-instant ability by 0.5s per stack, max 5 stacks
2.increases the range of ride the lightning and fae step by 10m
2.薩滿技能 ride the lightning 與 德魯伊天賦 fae step 增加距離10M
steady assault
increases your damage by 7%,but decreases your chance to critically hit by 4%
1.damaging abilities apply a stack of diversify to you for each damage type of the ability.stacks increase damage by 2.5% per stack.stacks can only be applied up to once every 10s per damage type.max 2 stacks.lasts 15s
2.increases the number of purifier sign buffs you can have active at time by 1
2.誡律技能 sign buff 可同時使用2種
sinistrt resolve
1.increases the damage of your damage over time abilities by 8%,your delayed damage abilities by 5%,and your non-instant,non-channeled,abilities by 3%
2.increases the chance for rampant growth to apply foul growth by 10%
2.DEFILER天賦 rampant growth 增加發動 foul  growth 機率10%
divine  providence(divine favor)
restores 2764 to 3055 health to allies affected by the cleric`s divine favor whenever the cleric cast a sigle target heal
buff the raid or party member,causing single target heals cast by cleric to restorse 2764 to 3055 health.can affect up to 3 raid or party members,cannot target the cleric.requires divine providence to cast
soul stream
對敵用channels 62154 ethereal damage over 3s to the enemy.can move thile channeling
對隊友用restores health to the ally equal to 50% of the cleric`s maximum health each second.lasts 2s can move while channeling
punishing strike
deals 18815 to 20796 damage.refreshes the clecir`s active Frozen Wrath on the enemy.applies the combined effort buff to the clecir if combined effort is known
造成18815to20796的傷害.可以重置目標的 Frozen Wrath 的時間(薩滿技能).可以重置其他人的施放的 Frozen Wrath 的時間(未確定)
Vicar`s bulwark
對敵用causes the enemy`s single target damaging abilities to heal the target for 30% of the damage done.lasts 5s
對隊友用causes damage taken to heal the ally for 30% of the damage taken.lasts 5s

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