Argonia的王宮暫時進不去,出Argonia繼續沿路往西北方向前進,,路過一個蒙古包,繼續走,到叉路口向左走,過橋,路過一個豹頭的建築物(ChateauFelix),和門口的男子對話,他問主人公是不是來找Felix的,回答YES後他會問3個問題,分別回答:"Take it home and ask your family to let it stay","Free the tiger from the trap and let it go"和"Let the great sabrecat join you on your travels",之後可以進入房間,上前和Felix對話,Felix請主人公幫忙送東西給他朋友,回答YES。而地點是四具豹子雕像的視線匯合處發光的樹下。出門和TOM對話就可以騎上豹子了,沿小路從ChateauFelix後面繞過,過2個小橋後左轉來ChateauFelix右面被U型水池環繞的樹林的凹地,到將近黎明的時候就可以看到中間出現一棵樹和一隻發藍光的豹子,上去對話發生劇情,回到Felix的住所,對話後得到Baumren''s bell,使用它可以召喚豹子當坐騎,速度比較快。
回到Arcadia,在園子裡找到魔法師DOMINICO發生劇情。再去2F找他,回答YES進入秘室,調查書櫃,得到The big book of barriers。出來發生劇情,將The big book of barriers交給DOMINICO。然後出門到院子裡發生劇情,BOSS戰。jessica會一回合2次攻擊,還會變出黑影怪物攻擊。戰勝jessica後DOMINICO使她回復正常。而魔杖被狗叼走了。畫面轉到INN的房間,劇情後去DOMINICO一樓的房間找他,對話出來發生劇情,狗叼著魔杖飛走了,上前和倒地的DAVID對話,發生劇情,回魔法師家,出來發生劇情,jessica重新加入隊伍。
Special Medicine = Strong Medicine + Strong Medicine
Rose Root = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb
Rose Root = Strong Medicine + Medicinal Herb
Amor Seco Essense = Holy Water + Strong Medicine
Strong Antidote = Medicinal Herb + Antidotal herb
Special Antidote = Strong Antidote + Strong Antidote
Special Antidote = Medicinal Herb + Antidotal Herb + Antidotal Herb
Rose-wort = Medicinal herb + Medicinal herb + Moonwart bulb
Rose-wort = Strong medicine + Moonwart bulb
Moon's mercy = Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb
Lesser panacea = special medicine + special medicine
Greater panacea = Special medicine + Special medicine + Special Medicine
Greater panacea = Lesser panacea + Rose-root + Rose wort
Yggdrasil dew = Yggdrasil leaf + Magic water
Magic water = Holy water + Seed of magic
Elfin elixir = Yggdrasil dew + Magic water
Holy water = Amor seco essense + Rock salt
Chimaera wing = Wing of bat + Wing of bat
Mystifying mixture = Holy water + Wing of bat + Cowpat
Mystifying mixture = Medicinal herb + Antidotal herb + Moonwart bulb
Sage's stone = Gold nugget + Orichalcum + Yggdrasil dew
Timbrel of tension = Sun crown + Tough guy tattoo + Magic beast hide
Wayfarer's clothes = Plain clothes + Plain clothes
Boxer shorts = Bandit's grass skirt + Bandana
Leather armour = Wayfarer's clothes + Magic beast hide
Leather kilt = Leather whip + Bandana
Templar's uniform = Way farer's clothes + Templar's shield
Leather dress = Dancer's costume + Magic beast hide
Chain mail = Wayfarer's clothes + Chain whip
Bronze armour = Chain mail + Bronze shield
Iron cuirass = Iron shield + Iron shield
Fur poncho = Magic beast hide + Magic beast hide
Robe of serenity = Cloak of evasion + Boxer shorts
Bunny suit = Silk bustier + Bunny tail
Zombie mail = Silver mail + zombiesbane
Zombie mail = Platinum mail + Devil's tail
Silver cuirass = Iron cuirass + Silver platter + Silver platter
Sage's robe = Magic vestment + Scholar's cap
Magical skirt = Bandit's grass skirt + Magical hat + Magical mace
Magic armour = Full plate armour + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection
Dancer's mail = Silver mail + Dancer's costume
Dragon mail = Silver mail + Dragon scale + Dragon Scale
Shimmering dress = Sprangled dress + Ruby of protection + Gold bracer
Spiked armour = Magic armour + Edged boomerang
Platinum mail = Zombie mail + Saint's ashes
Angel's robe = Flowing dress + Magical skirt
Bandit mail = Heavy Armour + Bandit axe + Bandit's grass skirt
Crimson robe = Sage's robe + Magic water + Nook grass
Dark robe = Cloak of evasion + Devil's tail + Wing of bat
Mirror armour = Sivler mail + Mirror shield + Mirror shield
Princess's robe = Angel's robe + Gold rosary + Shimmering Dress
Gigant armour = Bandit mail + Mighty armlet + Mighty armlet
Divine bustier = Dangerous bustier + Shimmering dress
Metal king armour = Liquid metal armour + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Leather shield = Pot lid + Magic beast hide
Scale shield = Leather shield + Dragon scale
Bronze shield = Leather shield + Bronze knife
Templar's shield = Iron shield + Templar's uniform
White shield = Light shield + Fresh milk + Fresh milk
White shield = Iron shield + Silver platter
Magic shield = Steel shield + Prayer's ring + Ruby of protection
Dragon shield = Steel shield + Dragon scale + Dragon scale
Ice shield = Magic shield + Icicle dirk
Flame shield = Magic shield + Flametang boomerange
Power shield = Magic shield + Strenght ring + Cured cheese
Saintless shield = Mirror shield + White shield + Holy water
Silver shield = Mirror shield + Amor seco essence + Magic water
Ruinous shield = Metal king shield + Devil's tail
Thanatos' shield = Goddess shield + Devil's tail
Goddess shield = Thanatos' shield + saint's ashes
Metal king shield = Ruinous shield + Saint's ashes + Orichalcum
Pointy Hat = Leather hat + Iron mail
Turban = Bandana + Bandana
Feathered cap = Leather hat + Chimaera wing
Bunny ears = Hairband + Bunny tail
Stone hardhat = Stone axe + Pointy hat
Fur hood = Feathered cap + Fur poncho
Hermes' hat = Feathered cap + Mercury's bandana
Bronze helmet = Stone hardhat + Bronze knife + Bronze knife
Mercury's bandana = Bandana + Agility ring
Silver tiara = Coral hairpin + Silver platter
Happy hat = Feathered cap + Elevating shoes
Scholar's cap = Magical hat + Scholar's specs
Hades' helm = Mythril helm + Saint's ashes
Thinking cap = Scholar's cap + Iron headgear
Mythril helm = Hades' helm + Saint's ashes
Raging bull helm = Mythril helm + Cowpat + Fresh milk
Golden tiara = Thinking cap + Silver tiara + Gold nugger
Phantom Mask = Iron headgear + Dark robe
Skull helm = Sun crown + Devil's tail
Sun Crown = Skull helm + Saint's ashes
Strength ring = Prayer ring + Seed of strength
Titan belt = Leather kilt + strength ring
Mighty armlet = Strength ring + Titan belt
Life bracer = Recovery ring + Gold bracer
Prayer ring = Gold ring + Seed of Magic
Ring of truth = Gold ring + Sandstorm spear
Ring of immunity = Gold ring + Poison needle
Holy talisman = Tough guy tattoo + Holy water + Gold rosary
Full moon ring = Gold ring + Poison moth knife
Ring of awakening = Gold ring + Dream blame
Ring of clarity = Gold ring + Fallen angel rapier
Recovery ring = Prayer ring + Seed of life
Catholicon ring = Full moon ring + Ring of truth + Ring of immunity
Ruby of protection = Prayer ring + Seed of defence
Elevating shoes = Fishnet stockings + Happy hat
Agility ring = Prayer ring + Seed of agility
Meteorite bracer = Agility ring + Agility ring + Orichalcum
Skull ring = Sorcerer's ring + Devil's tail
Sorcerer's ring = Skull ring + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes
Scholar's specs = Ring of awakening + Ring of clarity + Seed of wisdom
Goddess ring = Recovery ring + Orichalcum
作者: nervrick 時間: 2014-7-12 10:51 AM
謝謝分享、最近正在玩中文版作者: tim802567 時間: 2017-10-5 10:51 AM
勇8是系列作我目前唯ㄧ全破 蠻喜歡他的遊戲系統作者: tim802567 時間: 2022-2-16 10:51 AM